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Aircraft types

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This windows serves for the definition of your aircraft types or, more general, the resource types (since this could be other resources like a theory room or a simulator).





General aircraft category

EASA category

EASA class or type as configured in EASA categories. Required if you apply EASA.

Engine type

General classification

No. of engines

Number of engines of this type (must be consistent with engine type)

Type designation

Designation for the aircraft or other resource (e.g. Cessna 172, Robinson R22, Simulator etc.)

Short type designation

Abbreviation of the designation for short display (e.g. C172, RH22, Sim etc.)

Type rating required

If active, this type can only be reserved by users with a rating for this type (see reservation rules for details)

Info16 By default, this setting is active but it would be typically inactive for resources like class rooms or simulators

Check licence / medical requirements

If active, this type can only be reserved by users with a pilot licence, current medical etc.(see reservation rules for details)

Info16 By default, this setting is active but it would be typically inactive for resources like class rooms or simulators

Sort code

Sort code that defines the sort order


Remark for internal use