Data format
• | Data encoding is Unicode |
• | Fields are separated by TAB character (ASCII code 09). |
• | Each line is terminated with CR + LF (ASCII codes decimal 13 and 10) |
File structure
First line
The first line contains an status code, containing:
[status code] + TAB + [status message]
Second line
The second line of the file contains the field names as specified.
Subsequent lines
The subsequent lines contain the reservation data as specified.
Status codes
Status code |
Means |
100 |
Ok |
200 or higher |
Error |
Field structure
Position |
Field name |
Data type |
Remark |
1 |
ReservationCode |
50AN |
Unique key |
2 |
Registration |
10AN |
3 |
AircraftType |
50AN |
4 |
ReservationStart |
DateTime |
5 |
ReservationEnd |
DateTime |
6 |
Pilot |
66AN |
Name of the pilot |
7 |
PilotUsername |
15AN |
8 |
PilotStart |
DateTime |
9 |
PilotEnd |
DateTime |
10 |
Instructor |
66AN |
Name of the instructor |
11 |
InstructorUsername |
15AN |
12 |
InstructorStart |
DateTime |
13 |
InstructorEnd |
DateTime |
14 |
TypeOfFlight |
50AN |
15 |
IsMaintenance |
bool |
True if it is a maintenance reservation |
16 |
ReservationStatus |
50AN |
17 |
Origin |
30AN |
18 |
Destination |
30AN |
19 |
LastChangeDateTime |
DateTime |
20 |
LastChangeUsername |
15AN |
* Currently, all reservation start and end dates and times are identical, however this may change soon