Field |
Content |
Use techlog |
Generally enables the tech log feature |
Check flight log is comprehensive |
Check this item if you want to prevent gaps between the "hobbs counter after" the last flight and "hobbs counter before". If active, this means that a flight log cannot be submitted if there's a gap. The option applies to flight logs only. For tech logs, the rule is enforced mandatorily. |
Enter instruction time |
Check this item if you want to enter the instruction time in the tech log |
Default for instruction time from |
Determines whether instruction time default is taken from hobbs, flight time or block time |
Automatically exchange data with CAMONET |
Check this item if you want to automatically exchange data with CAMONET |
Camonet URL |
URL of the CAMONET API You can click the button to check if the connection works (checks if URL and user are ok) |
Organization code |
Organization code of user for CAMONET access |
Username |
Username code of user for CAMONET access |
New password, New password confirmation |
Enter password and confirmation to change the CAMONET access password |