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Adding, updating and deleting a user

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How to edit user data

1.Select the user
2.Change the user data
3.Click on clip0007 to save your changes


How to add a new user

1.Click on clip0004 on the user details to add a new user.
2.Add the data in upper part of the window (like first name, last name, username, password etc.)
3.Click on clip0007
4.Now continue to enter the data in the lower part like email addresses, licences, type ratings etc.
5.Finally click on clip0007 again


Please note that this is just for the initial entry of a certain user. When you update an existing user, there is no need to click on the save button between the upper and the lower part of the form.



How to delete a user

1.        Select the user you want to delete

2.        Click on clip0001.



There are certain conditions under which you cannot delete a user:
- if he has future reservations (as a pilot or flight instructor). If there are such reservations, cancel them first and delete the user afterwards.

- if he has an account balance other than zero

- if he act as a contact person in the company settings