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This feature was introduced in 2013 and is currently in a beta phase.


Flightnet includes CRM features as an option, currently covering these parts:

a journal for your customer contacts (both users and base customers)
This allows you to add date-related records for customers and represents the customer history.
customer file management for any type (PDF, Microsoft Word or Excel etc.)
This allows you to manage customer-related files in Flightnet.



The CRM features are only accessible for users with "Use CRM" permission through their user group.


Customer journal

Customer journal entries can only be changed or deleted by the author.
Customer journal entries can only be changed or deleted within seven days after entry. Thereafter, the record is locked.
The max size of an entry in the customer journal note field is 1000 chars .



Documents in the document management can be added or deleted anytime.
The size limit for a single document is 15 MB


How to access the CRM feature

Navigate to CRM > Customers
Enter the customer name (or at least a part of it)
Click on [Show data]


Alternatively, the CRM data is accessible in the user administration as well