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Flight training records

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The flight training module allows to manage the records of student pilots. Being tailored for the EASA pilot training, it nevertheless can be used in any country, since the curriculums can be customized.


This module is an optional feature of Flightnet and covers:

curriculum structures with courses, lessons and exercises
student enrollment in courses
document management per student and course (pdf files)
lessons entry of exercises with results (success, failed etc.)


Two types of courses

There are two ways to manage progress:

1.Regular courses - the instructor or administrator assigns units and exercises to flights and enters the progress records
2.Self managed courses - the instructor assigns persons to courses, however they enter progress records themselves




Please note that there are two permissions related to the training module.

View own trainings
You should give this permission to all standard users
Edit trainings
You should give this permission to your staff (particularly all instructors)
Manage training
You should give this permission to admins and the staff that is configuring courses, units and lessons


Training module price

This is an optional module of Flightnet. The price is calculated monthly and is based on the total number of students that have been enrolled in at least one course during the month. This includes students that were only enrolled during a part of the month, like those who completed or began their course in the particular month or were only enrolled for a short time.