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Pilot logbook

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This module helps you to manage your pilot log data. You can access your pilot logs at "Flights" > "Your logged flights".


Please note that this logbook is designed to work as a source for your online or offline logbook software. You will need a separate software (from other suppliers) to work as a logbook that satisfies EASA requirements.


The basics

This log data provides the view of the pilot on the flight log. We've included the pilot log for two reasons:

it helps to transform flight or tech log data to pilot log data. Pilot log records are automatically generated from such data (see bottom).
it provides data that can be imported to your online or offline pilot logbook software

You may also add pilot log records for aircraft that aren't managed in Flightnet.


Ground instruction

There is a check box to mark ground instruction. Such records don't count towards your flight experience.


How to add a new record

1.Click on add21  "Add a new record"  to add a new record
2.Enter the required data
3.Click on clip0005 to save it



How to edit a record

1.Click on clip0004 to edit a record
2.Enter your changes
3.Click on clip0005 to save it



How to delete a record

1.Click on clip0006 on the related line


How to export records

The exported file is a CSV with format iso-8859-2. Please note that all flight times are indicated in minutes.

1.Select start and end date
2.Click on [Show]
3.Click on "Export logbook data"


Pilot logbook and tech/flight logs

The pilot logbook entry is automatically created based on the tech log (when saving with "Defects reported" checked) or flight log (when saving). Both pilot and flight instructor entries are created, with respective values.

Since Flightnet cannot determine some details of the flight (e.g. day/night portion, effective distribution of PIC time for dual flights etc.), some manual corrections may be necessary.


Meaning of particular fields




Off airport landing site (not covered by ICAO codes)


Helicopter departures in fog