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Adding lessons

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In Flightnet, lessons are basically independent of reservations. However, for most convenient user experience, you can manage lessons in the reservation window.


Basic work flow

Follow these steps if you want to enter all lesson data after the flight.

1.Add the reservation
2.Go flying
3.After flight, open the reservation details
4.Select the "Pilot log" tab
5.Enter the flight data (at least for the student)
6.Move to the "Lessons" tab
7.Add a lesson
8.Complete all lessons details (including exercise results, see below) and select the related pilot log entry as completed in step 5
9.Sign off (instructor)


Work flow with lesson preparation

Follow these steps if you want to prepare the lesson prior to the reservation.For details see Preparing lessons before reserving.

1.Add a new lesson
2.At at later moment, add the reservation
3.Attach the lesson to the reservation
4.Go flying
5.After flight, open the reservation details
6.Select the "Pilot log" tab
7.Enter the flight data (at least for the student)
8.Move to the "Lessons" tab
9.Complete all lessons details (including exercise results, see below) and select the related pilot log entry as completed in step 5
10.Sign off (instructor)


How to enter exercise results

You can bulk add all exercises that have the same status.

1.Make sure the "Current situation & Add exercises" tab is selected
2.Check all exercises that have been covered in the lesson with a specific status (e.g. all exercises that have been passed or all that are uncompleted)
3.Select the status at the bottom
4.Click on "Add selected exercises with selected status"
Remark: if the exercise has previously been added with a different status to the lesson, the previous status will remain.


Note: you can only add one entry per exercise and lesson. If the student failed the first attempt and passed the retake, you have to set it to passed status.


Work flow without a reservation

Please see Adding lessons without a reservation