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Preparing lessons before reserving

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Follow these steps if you want to prepare a lesson and attach it to a reservation at a later point of time.


Adding a new lesson

Note: the student must be enrolled in the course as a prerequisite

1.Navigate to "Training" > "All users lessons"
2.Click on "NewButton16 Add a lesson"
3.Select the student and course
4.Select the instructor (can be changed later)
5.Important: do not select a reservation
6.Complete the lesson with other information (e.g. exercises)
7.Click on [Save]



Attaching a lesson to a reservation

This task would be done when entering the reservation for the flight in which you want to teach to content of the lesson previously entered.

1.Add a new reservation
2.Select the "Lessons" tab
3.Select the lesson in the lesson drop down
Please note that only lessons satisfying this condition will be visible:
- the student is identical to the one in the reservation
- no reservation has been selected in the lesson
- the instructor hasn't signed off the lesson yet
4.Click on [Attach lesson]
5.The lesson will be attached to the reservation and the flight date and instructor name corrected according to the reservation details


Alternative way to attach a lesson to a reservation

1.Navigate to "Training" > "All users lessons"
2.Click on the lesson
3.Make sure that these fields match the details in the reservation:
- student (must match the pilot in the reservation)
- flight date (must match the start date)
4.Select the reservation
5.Click on [Save]