This is the customer journal feature of the CRM option.
It allows you to enter date-related information about a customer.
How to add a new record
1. | Click on Add new record. |
2. | Enter the event date, source and note. The "hours" field is optional. |
3. | Click on to save your entry. |
How to edit a record
1. | Click on on the left. |
2. | Enter your changes. You can cancel editing by clicking on |
3. | Click on to save your entry. |
How to delete a record
1. | Click on on the left |
2. | Confirm that you want to delete the record. |
Why can't I edit or delete a certain record?
There are two possible causes:
1. | Your aren't the author of the record (see the "Entered by" field") |
2. | The record is older than seven days (see "Entry date"). There is deadline of seven days after initial record entry for changes. |