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Frequently asked questions

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I don't receive any or only some emails from Flightnet. What can I do?

Usually this happens because your mailbox classifies the Flightnet email as SPAM.

Remember that email filters typically work in two steps:

1. your mail server filters SPAM. This is the first step of mail reception; mails filtered out here never reach your mail client. The mail server is located in the internet and usually managed by a system administrator.

2. your mail client (Microsoft Outlook, Mail etc.) has his own SPAM or junk email settings. Mails filtered out here usually end up in a special folder (like Junk email, Spam etc.)


Therefore, please make sure that also add or - better - the whole to the friends list (or white list) of your mail server. This friends list is configured on the mail server (ask your administrator for details). Usually, you cannot manage this with your mail client (Microsoft Outlook, Mail or others). add or - better - the whole to your friends list (or white list) on the mail client (Microsoft Outlook, Mail etc.).


I can't see any aircraft in the reservation management anymore

Please make sure the aircraft types you want to see are checked in the reservation display settings.


I can't select a specific user as pilot

Check the "List as as pilot" setting in address and contact data.


I can't select a specific user as flight instructor

Check the "List as an instructor" setting in address and contact data.


I am always logged out after 15 minutes of inactivity. Can I change this?

Make sure that the timeline schedule view is displayed in a window. This will prevent the automatic logout since it is automatically refreshed every few minutes.


Can I view reservations of a deleted aircraft?

Yes. The reservations are still there, even if the aircraft has been deleted. Go to [Reservations] > [All reservations], enter the (past) date range and leave the registration drop down empty. This way, all reservations within the date range will be displayed, including those of deleted aircraft.


We have defined some limits or other requirements for reservations (valid medical required or type rating required, for example). Now I wanted to test it and I still can enter a reservation. What's wrong?

Did you make sure that your account doesn't have elevated permissions? Most rules aren't checked if you have "Manage all reservations" permission. Therefore, you may have to use another user account that has fewer permissions.