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Pilots and instructors

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The display of users a pilots or instructors is controlled by a settings located in the "Reservation" tab of the user administration.

By default, a user is listed as a pilot
By default, a user is only listed as an instructor if he has a FI rating (e.g. FI, TRI, FIE)


Both settings (List as a pilot/List as an instructor) have the same options:



Effect for "List as a pilot"

Effect for "List as an instructor"


Always listed as a pilot

Always listed as an instructor

According to licence

Only listed if the user has a pilot license ("Student", PPL, CPL, etc.), see Licenses and ratings

Only listed as an instructor if he has a FI rating (e.g. FI, TRI, FIE) , see Licenses and ratings


Never listed as a pilot

Never listed as an instructor


How to change the visibility as a pilot or instructor

1.Open the user administration (User > User administration)
2.Select the user
3.Click on the "Reservation" tab
4.Apply the required setting on "List as a pilot" resp. "List as an instructor"