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Licenses and ratings

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Licenses and ratings

These are the fields you can manage in the licence tab of the user administration.





Check if the user is enlisted in the AOC. This field is used for information purposes only and has no functional effect.

Charter agreement

Check if the user has a charter agreement. This can be part of the reservation rules.

License number

Pilot license number

Entries (Medical, FI, LPL,...)

This table contains all licenses and permits that do have an expiration date.

Expiration date

Enter the pertinent expiration date if the user has such a license, rating or permit.
warning16 Only flight instructors with an expiration date for their FI (or IRI, SFI etc.) rating will be selectable as flight instructors in reservations

Send reminder

Check if expiration reminders shall be sent to the user for the related license, rating or permit





Click to open a popup window to edit an entry


Means that this license or permit is active for this user

warning16 Only flight instructors with an active FI (or IRI, SFI etc.) rating will be selectable as flight instructors in reservations

Completion date

Date when the license has been completed

Valid from

Date from which the license is valid

Expiration date

Date on which the license expires

Send reminder

Check if expiration reminders shall be sent to the user for the related license, rating or permit


Remark regarding the license



Popup edit window fields




Rating, license

Select the license or rating that you want to edit


Means that this license or permit is active for this user

warning16 Only flight instructors with an active FI (or IRI, SFI etc.) rating will be selectable as flight instructors in reservations

Edit mode

"Edit current record" means that you change the properties of the current entry
"Add a new record" means that you add a new record and the preceding record will be moved to the history

Completion date

Date when the license has been completed

Valid from

Date from which the license is valid

Expiration date

Date on which the license expires

Send reminder

Check if expiration reminders shall be sent to the user for the related license, rating or permit


Remark regarding the license


Here you can upload a document that contains a copy of the license (one single file, for example one PDF file eventually containing multiple pages)