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Flightnet has a built-in feature to send reminders to pilots before a license or permit expires. This works for

Class and type ratings
Proficiency checks
Refresher courses
Medicals, language profiency and all other expiring ratings or permits


Initial setting

1.Navigate to "Company/club" > "Settings"
2.Select the "Reservations" tab
3.Enter the period of the first reminder (days before the expiration date). Default is 90 days.
4.Click on clip0007 to save your changes.


Configure reminder messages

See Text templates for details. These templates are used for reminders:

Reminder EASA proficiency expiration
Reminder medical expiration
Reminder refresher course expiration
Reminder language proficiency expiration
Generic reminder (all other licenses etc.)
Email footer (this is used for all email message including reservation confirmations etc.)



Please pay special attention to the "%reminderLink" placeholder. This is a link back to Flightnet that is created on the fly and will allow the recipient to disable the reminder for the license and specific expiration date


Configure pilot accounts for reminders

There is a checkbox located besides each expiration date. If enabled, the pilot will receive an expiration reminder once the expiration date approaches.

Reminder emails are sent to email addresses with enabled "Reminder" checkbox only.

Navigate to "User" > "Personal data" to change your own reminder settings
Use the User administration to change the reminder settings of any user.



If the pilot has no email address with enabled "Reminder" checkbox, he or she will not receive a reminder


How it works

1.Whenever you change an expiration date (e.g. for the medical or FI), Flightnet calculates the next reminder date
2.Flightnet daily determines all due reminders
3.For all due reminders, an email is sent to the email addresses with active "Reminder" setting and the next reminder date is set to seven days later
4.If properly configured, the reminder email will contain a link that allows the recipient to disable further reminders for this license and specific expiration date
5.Unless the recipient disables the reminder with the link mentioned above, the pilot receives a new reminder every seven days after (see step 3) until the license has expired