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These windows help you to manage reservations:





Timeline and daily view of the schedule. This window and its two views (multi-day timeline and single day) are most suitable for common reservation management

New reservation

You can use this for a quick new reservation

Your reservations

Shows a list of all your reservations and has features to export reservations to CSV and ICAL and synchronization with Microsoft Outlook

Reservations per pilot

Shows a monthly list of reservations for any or all pilots, including PDF

Last reservations

Shows a list of most recent reservations

All reservations

Shows a list of all reservation with various filters

Reservation requests

Here you can approve or decline reservation requests


Used for maintenance reservation with bulk cancellation of existing reservations



Please note that there are two types of resources that you can schedule in Flightnet.

Aircraft, simulator, class rooms or other similarly managed resources
Staff like flight instructors, commercial pilots etc. that are based on users. They currently are displayed in the timeline view only.




Flightnet includes a database of over 38'000 worldwide airports
When entering the departure and arrival airport, you should type the ICAO airport code. This will immediately load the intended airport.
However, you also enter any other portion of the name which will then act as a filter.
In any case, the drop down will start loading matching airports when you have typed four letters at least.
Please note that you can configure the default airport in the company settings.