Field |
Content |
Registration |
Registration of the aircraft resp. suitable designation for all other resources (sim, class room etc.) |
Photo |
A picture of the aircaft |
Email recipients |
You may add multiple email addresses here (use a ";" to separate them). A copy of reservation confirmations for that particular aircraft will be systematically sent to these recipients. |
Confirmation by email |
This setting determines in which cases a copy of the reservation confirmation is sent to the email adresses above. |
Fuel indication |
Here you can specify the fuel mass for that aircraft. |
Type designation |
A type as defined in aircraft types |
Use reservation requests |
If active, the reservation request feature is applied for this particular registration |
Disabled |
If active, the aircraft or resource is disabled and thus not available for reservation This means that for this resource no reservations are possible at all. To temporarily ground an aircraft or resource, you should use a maintenance reservation instead. |
Warning message |
If defined, the warning message is displayed prominently with a warning sign. Use this to provide important, brief information about aircraft |
Location (if other than home airport) |
Specify the home base of an aircraft if it differs from the airport setting in company data. The location is displayed in the reservation process and will be used as a default setting for the "From" and "To" field in the reservation. |
Sort code |
Sort code that defines the sort order |
Number of passenger seats |
Max number of passengers that the aircraft can carry |
Remark |
Specific aircraft remarks |
Equipment |
Specific aircraft equipment remarks |
Tariffs |
Tariff information |