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Passenger management

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Use the "Passenger" tab in the reservation to manage your passengers (only visible of the passenger feature is subscribed).


How to add a passenger

1.Load the reservation
2.Click on the "Passengers" tab
3.Click on NewButton16 Add new passenger
4.Enter all passenger data
5.Click on save Save


Please note that number of passengers per rotation is limited by the number of seats. The weight unit is controlled by the unit setting.
If there aren't sufficient seats for all passengers, you'll have to add a rotation.


How to delete a passenger

1. Click on DeleteButton16  beneath the passenger name


How to print passenger tickets

1.Select the ticket template
Note: the list of available templates is controlled by the "Commercial" setting of the related reservation category
2.Click on the [clip0001 Print tickets]  button to print the tickets.  


How find a passenger

1.Navigate to [Reservations] [ Your passengers] or [Reservations] [Passengers]
2.Enter a search expression or the ticket number and select the date range
3.Click on [Show data]
4.Click on [Details] to load the reservation that is related to the passenger


If you check "Cancelled reservations", passengers of cancelled reservations will be showed as well.