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Add or change a reservation

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Please see the regular reservation workflow for a visualization and also have a look at the effect of minimum pre and post flight times on the start and end time of the reservation.


Add a new reservation

1. There are various ways to enter a new reservation
 - Apply "Reservations" > "New reservation" from the menu or
 - click on the timeline of the resource and at the desired start time in the timeline view

 - click on an available time slot in the day view

2. Complete the reservation details (pilot, start, end, flight instructor)

3. Click on clip0021. There may be some messages based on reservation limits and rules.

4. Add the additional reservation details

5. Click on

6. Depending on your contact settings, you will receive a confirmation by email and/or SMS.

Change an existing reservation

1. There are various ways to view an existing reservation
 - Click on the reservation in the day view

 - Doubleclick on the reservation in the timeline view
 - Click on the link of the reservation in the various lists (your reservations, all reservations etc.)

2. Change the reservation data

3. To check your changes you can click on clip0021

4. Click on

5. If you moved your reservation and depending on your contact settings, you will receive a confirmation by email and/or SMS.


warning16 Caution when you change start and end time of the resource (aircraft). The pilot (and instructor) times will automatically be changed to meet the minimum pre and post flight duration.

Email and SMS notifications

Depending on the settings, pilots and FI affected by the change will be notified