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Timeline drag & drop

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Rescheduling is particularly easy because you can simply use drag & drop. This means that you can alter a reservation by simply moving or changing the related bar.

Flightnet also has a context menu that offers some predefined actions.



What's drag and drop?

This means that you move an item by aid of the mouse. You aim at a bar with the mouse, press the left mouse button, keep it pressed and move the item to its new position and release the mouse button.


On which devices does it work?

For a convenient user experience this only works on desktop computers, but not on mobile devices with touch screens such as the iPad or Android-based devices.


How to...

Open the context menu on a reservation

Apply a right mouse click on the reservation bar to open the context menu.


Alter the reservation start or end

Use either methods:

Move the left or right edge of the reservation bar.
Use the context menu (right mouse click on the reservation)


Move a reservation

Use either methods:

Move the entire reservation bar
Use the context menu (right mouse click on the reservation)


Switch to another aircraft

Move the entire reservation bar to the new aircraft


Switch to another instructor or pilot

This requires that there is a row in the overview for the pilot or instructor reservation (see User resource groups).

You can simply move the reservation bar to the new instructor or pilot.



Which reservations can I change?

The usual permission scheme applies.


Are there any operations that I can't carry out?

You cannot move reservations to the waiting list
You cannot change reservations on the waiting list
All other limits and rules apply (as an example,. you can't change reservations in the past)