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A pilot can only see types for which he has a rating

If enabled, pilots can only view aircraft for which they have a type rating (otherwise they can view all available aircraft types).


This feature is active when "Require type rating" in the previous is enabled only.

Enable public timeline view

Controls the public timeline display

Key to show public timeline with names (disabled if left empty)

Optional key for the public timeline display

Enable waiting list

Enables the waiting list feature

Color of reservations on waiting list

This setting applies to the background colour of waiting list reservations in the timeline view.

There are two options:

Waiting list reservations can have the colour defined by the reservation category
or they can have a special colour


In the latter case, a color selection dropdown is shown in the settings so you can select the desired colour. The same colour is applied to all reservations on the waiting list.

Use reservation requests

Enables the reservation requests feature

Use flight itinerary

Enables the flight itinerary feature

Start reminder notification

Number of days before expiration date that reminders are mailed the first time